Teens and tweens

Find digital resources, reading recommendations, leadership opportunities, and special programs for teens and tweens. Our Grants Pass and Illinois Valley branches include a dedicated room for teens, which we’ve stocked with specialized collections of young adult titles.

Teen Bad Artists Club

Calling all artists, non-artists, and aspiring creatives! This summer, Josephine Community Library is hosting a free weekly Teen Bad Artists Club every Thursday from 5–7 pm at the Grants Pass branch starting June 13. Collect weekly stickers, listen to music, and make bad art with new friends in a welcoming environment.

A blue jean jacket with the words "Teen Bad Artists Club" over it.

Teen/Tween Book Boxes

Registrations is closed.

Each season, teens and tweens ages 10+ can sign up to receive an age-appropriate book box with one free book and an assortment of goodies to enjoy. There are a limited number of boxes available each time and priority may be given to teens and tweens who have not had a chance to participate in the program yet.

book boxes graphic


Everyday, thousands of YouTube content creators, or BookTubers, share videos about books they love (and hate), literacy, fandom content, and their general love for all things literary. Here are some favorites.
head shot of teen girl with white hair and nose piercing posing in front of book shelf

Myonna reads

An avid reader, Myonna is a 22-year-old BookTuber based in Michigan and a lover of all things horror, fantasy, and young adult.

headshot of teen girl with light brown hair in 2 braids posing in front of book shelf

Brittany the Bibliophile

Brittany covers a variety of book topics on her YouTube, such as YA book hauls, read-a-longs, bookshelf tours, and discussions for writers.

boy holding a stack of books and smiling

Jesse the Reader

A young adult book lover, Jesse is known for his high energy YA reviews, as well as his fun and original reading challenges and book tag videos.

Volunteer opportunities

Gain the skills and experience needed to boost resumes and college applications all while making friends at the library. Email us at info@josephinelibrary.org to fill out an application or for more information about volunteer opportunities for teens.

Learn more about our volunteer programs for teens/tweens, such as the VolunTEEN advisory board (TAB) and our VolunTEEN program. LEARN MORE

YouthLine: A teen crisis helpline

YouthLine is a free, confidential teen-to-teen crisis and help line. Call, text, chat, or email them with anything that may be bothering you.

Access for minors

The library supports the intellectual freedom of minors as recommended by the American Library Association and library board of directors. See the library’s policies including the ALA Free Access for Minors policy.