Our catalog

Use Polaris, the library’s primary online catalog, to search among hundreds of thousands of print titles. Expand that selection even more by diving into our specialized online catalogs, which offer a wide variety of ebooks, magazines, and articles. All are available with your library card.

printed books

Patrons check out nearly 20,000 books each month from our libraries. Browse the catalog for the latest popular titles and bestsellers, mysteries, children's books, cookbooks, and more.


Use the Libby app by OverDrive to access thousands of ebooks on your smartphone, tablet, or computer — free with your library card.


Access thousands of audiobooks on your smartphone, tablet, or computer or check out audiobooks on CD from your nearest library branch.


The library is stocked with DVDs of many popular movies, including new releases. You’ll also find a large collection of compact discs.


Access publications on subjects ranging from health and wellness to entrepreneurship, as well as local, regional, and national news sources.

Library of Things

Browse our collection of useful objects available for checkout. Looking for a guitar? A sewing machine? A frisbee golf set or a robotics kit? Our selection will amaze you.

Suggest a purchase

Is there a book, periodical, or other item that you can’t find in the library? Suggest new purchases for our library collection. We can’t guarantee to satisfy every suggestion, but we’ll do the best that we can to respond.

Learn more

Book match

Answer a few questions about your preferences and interests and let our librarians create a personalized list of books and other materials to check out based on your answers.

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Online reference library

Josephine Community Library patrons enjoy access to millions of articles across 50 online databases — and the PowerSearch feature allows you to search all of them at once.

Vision accommodations

The library offers various services and tools to accommodate people of all ages with vision impairments.