3 events found.
GP K9 Reading Buddies
Grants Pass 200 NW C Street, Grants PassEach week the library comes alive with furry friends waiting to hear a good book. Visit Grants Pass and Williams every Tuesday or Wolf Creek every second Friday from 3–4...
WMS K9 Reading Buddies
Williams 158 Tetherow Rd, WilliamsEach week the library comes alive with furry friends waiting to hear a good book. Visit Grants Pass and Williams every Tuesday or Wolf Creek every second Friday from 3–4...
Conceptos Básicos de la Computadora
Grants Pass 200 NW C Street, Grants PassTome una curso de 6 semanas en español de computadora gratuito con un instructor de la biblioteca y facilitador Roxana Zepeda. Los participantes recibirán un incentivo de graduación al final...