Recommended reading

Can’t decide what to read next? Let our librarians point you to something interesting.

New books and other materials

Josephine Community Library is constantly adding new items to the collection in various formats. Find the newest additions through the online catalog.

Book Match

Whether you are looking for books for a family read-aloud, supplemental reading for a classroom, or recommendations for a specific research topic, Book Match can meet all of your family or classroom reading, listening, and viewing needs.

Best Sellers

Check out up-to-date lists of best sellers to inspire your next reading adventure.

NoveList Plus

NoveList Plus is a great tool for finding your next great read. It includes recommendations for both fiction and non-fiction based on what you’ve previously read and enjoyed.

visit novelist plus


GoodReads is a fun and useful tool to keep track of what you read, share your thoughts with friends, and get recommendations based on your reading history and reviews.

Visit GoodReads

Suggest a purchase

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Suggest new purchases for our library collection. We can’t guarantee to satisfy every suggestion, but we’ll do our best to respond.