Tax help

Use these resources for the current tax year. Check out laptops and WiFi hotspots, access DIY tax preparation software, and find local tax help.

Oregon-approved tax preparation software

Check this list from the Oregon Department of Revenue for links to free tax preparation software.

Tax Assistance Afternoons

February 4 – April 11
Tuesdays and Fridays: 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
Grants Pass branch

Get help with your tax questions and file for free with Josephine County Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) at the library. Appointments are for taxpayers who receive basic documents including W-2, Interest, Dividends, 1099-R, 1099-NEC, or Social Security.

To make an appointment, call JoCo VITA at 541-223-9597 or visit

Other ways to file

MyFreeTaxes through United Way
If you have an email address, United Way can connect you with free, do-it-yourself, tax software, available through their partnership with the IRS. Limited online assistance is available for simple returns. MyFreeTaxes
GetYourRefund is a non-profit service built by Code for America in partnership with IRS-certified Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites nationally. Spanish website and assistance available. GetYourRefund
Cash Oregon
Get tax help in English or Spanish by IRS-certified volunteers. Cash Oregon

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

What is it?

The EITC helps give low- to moderate-income families a tax break.

Who qualifies?

Low-to-moderate-income families may qualify for the EITC on their taxes.

Am I eligible?

Use the EITC tables to determine if you are eligible for the EITC.

Printing services

Email tax schedules and other documents to to be printed and picked up from any of our four library branches. Print cost is 10 cents per page.

Laptops and WiFi hotspots

Need a computer or internet access to do your taxes online? Place a request on a laptop or WiFi hotspot through the Library of Things.

library of things