
Connect with other young adults, share your ideas with the library, and gain valuable leadership experience as a VolunTEEN.

Teen advisory board
teen girl sitting on the floor in row of library shelves
Teens have an opportunity to select and shape library programming and services by becoming a member of the Teen Advisory Board (TAB). TAB members serve as leaders and decision-makers, providing input on the library’s teen spaces and helping the library develop and implement young adult programs. Additionally, they help manage the @JCLTeensInTheStacks Instagram account. The Teen Advisory Board meets once a month and more often as needed. @jclteensinthestacks
VolunTEEN program
woman with long hair puts a book on the shelf
VolunTEENs are library volunteers between the ages of 13 and 17. Their contributions are invaluable during our Summer Reading Program and numerous other events throughout the year. Becoming a VolunTEEN gives you experience collaborating with other teen and adult volunteers on projects and planning, helps you hone your customer service skills in the children’s library, and lets you take an active role in determining the library’s teen programming — all of which look wonderful on job resumes and college applications. Email to learn more.