Press releases

The Great Book Grab

Bring a bag. Fill it with books. Keep them for free! The community is invited to grow its at-home book collection during the Great Book Grab at the following branches…

Library hosts James Basker book talk

How Antislavery Writers Changed History Josephine Community Library is proud to welcome native son James Basker, renowned scholar, author, and educational leader, for a special afternoon book talk surrounding the…

Sustainable Gardening Series

In partnership with and the Josephine County Master Gardeners™, the Sustainable Gardening series offers adults a chance to learn the basics and the not-so-basics of home gardening from 1 to…

Library of Things

Library offer service that allows items for checkout: devices, educational toys, instruments Josephine Community Library is now lending a spectrum of items, from musical instruments and educational toys to crafting…

Library awarded safety and security grant

Four Way Community Foundation funds part of Library Safety and Security Project The Four Way Community Foundation has awarded Josephine Community Library District a $7,650 grant to support the Library…

Fine free for children and teens

Effective June 1, 2019 Josephine Community Library will no longer charge fines on children and teen items, and existing fines will be waived. “Historically, overdue fines amount to less than…