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Liderazgo Bibliotecario Adolescente

Grants Pass 200 NW C Street, Grants Pass, OR, United States

¿Buscas aumentar tus habilidades de liderazgo? Inscríbete en el Consejo Asesor de Adolescentes! Conozca a Next Up (o siguiente), una organización que amplifica la próxima generación de líderes de Oregon Aprenda a participar en las reuniones de la junta de la biblioteca. Desarrolle una declaración de misión con sus compañeros. No es necesario inscribirse para...

WMS Club de Lectura para adolescentes/jóvenes

Williams 158 Tetherow Rd, Williams, OR, United States

La elección del club de lectura de verano para adolescentes es Grabado en Piedra, del autor local Frank Morin. Pídalo prestado con su carné de la biblioteca o recójalo en cualquier sucursal. Únase a nosotros al final del Programa de Lectura de Verano mientras compartimos opiniones, hacemos preguntas y exploramos significados más profundos del libro.


Tardes de Asistencia Fiscal Gratis

Grants Pass 200 NW C Street, Grants Pass, OR, United States

Obtenga ayuda con sus preguntas sobre impuestos y presente su declaración de forma gratis con United Community Action Network (UCAN) en la biblioteca. Los voluntarios de UCAN VITA ayudarán a los participantes que deseen presentar su propia declaración de impuestos a crear un perfil con el software TaxSlayer para presentarla de forma gratuita (se requieren...

GP K9 Reading Buddies

Grants Pass 200 NW C Street, Grants Pass, OR, United States

Each week the library comes alive with furry friends waiting to hear a good book. Visit Grants Pass and Williams every Tuesday or Wolf Creek every second Friday from 3–4 pm for K9 Reading Buddies. During this program, trained therapy dogs provide a non-intimidating environment for children to learn to read out loud. Young readers...


GP K9 Reading Buddies

Grants Pass 200 NW C Street, Grants Pass, OR, United States

Each week the library comes alive with furry friends waiting to hear a good book. Visit Grants Pass and Williams every Tuesday or Wolf Creek every second Wednesday from 3–4 pm for K9 Reading Buddies. During this program, trained therapy dogs provide a non-intimidating environment for children to learn to read out loud. Young readers...


IV pick-up service


To take advantage of the weekly pick-up service, patrons can use their library card account to place requests on books and other items through the online catalog. Patrons are asked to wait until they receive a notification from the library when requested items are ready for pick up at the Illinois Valley Senior Center, 520...


Sprout a Reader Storytime

Grants Pass 200 NW C Street, Grants Pass, OR, United States

Children ages birth to five and their caregivers are invited to learn how to give a great storytime from home during the Sprout a Reader program from 10:30–11 am on Thursdays at the Grants Pass branch.


GP K9 Reading Buddies

Grants Pass 200 NW C Street, Grants Pass, OR, United States

Each week the library comes alive with furry friends waiting to hear a good book. Visit Grants Pass and Williams every Tuesday or Wolf Creek every second Friday from 3–4 pm for K9 Reading Buddies. During this program, trained therapy dogs provide a non-intimidating environment for children to learn to read out loud. Young readers...


IV pick-up service


To take advantage of the weekly pick-up service, patrons can use their library card account to place requests on books and other items through the online catalog. Patrons are asked to wait until they receive a notification from the library when requested items are ready for pick up at the Illinois Valley Senior Center, 520...


Sprout a Reader Storytime

Grants Pass 200 NW C Street, Grants Pass, OR, United States

Children ages birth to five and their caregivers are invited to learn how to give a great storytime from home during the Sprout a Reader program from 10:30–11 am on Thursdays at the Grants Pass branch.


Williams Weekly Storytime

Williams 158 Tetherow Rd, Williams, OR, United States

Families are invited to the Williams branch of Josephine Community Library every Friday from 11 am–12 pm for a weekly themed storytime and craft session in a safe and fun environment.