STEM and maker

Science, technology, engineering, and math support creative technology and innovation in today’s world. Learn, grow, and connect using these resources.

Learn coding

Let us help you explore resources to take your first step or expand your knowledge in the world of coding.

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Learn robotics

Robotics is fun STEM for all ages. We have compiled some great resources to get you started.

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Additional resources

Design Squad
Design Squad Global empowers middle school kids to solve real-world problems and understand the impact of engineering in a global context through weekly challenges and activities. Lean more
Explore Nasa Stem
Find up to date information on current Nasa projects and missions, explore fascinating videos and photos, experiment with a variety of hands-on activities for all ages, and much more! Learn more
Science Buddies
Whether your goal is to find a fun science activity for your kids or win the international science fair, puts comprehensive, scientist-authored tools, tips, and techniques at your fingertips. learn more
Practice hands-on scientific study, watch videos, and dig into other interactive features in more than 50 complete units. Learn more

Library of Things

Try STEM-themed toys and items for all ages without the burden of purchasing. All Library of Things items are available for 10-day check out.

library of things logo

Computer basics

Librarians and volunteers are available to help you with training and resources to learn more about computer fundamentals. All ages and levels of experience are welcome.