Welcome, Friends

Bienvenidos, amigos

Free online tutoring

Students from elementary through college level can get the one-on-one help they need in various subjects, create flashcards, submit writing for review, and more.

tax forms with a yellow sticky note on top that says "Tax Time!

Tax Assistance with VITA

Get help with your tax questions and file for free with Josephine County VITA at the library.

Unofficial Battle of the Books logo on a light blue background with a phone and drawings of books in the backkground

Unofficial Battle of the Books

Join us for the Unofficial Battle of the Books, where students in 3rd–12th grade can read, earn prizes, and have fun.

celebrate black history month

Black History Month

Explore resources that honor the achievements and contributions of Black Americans on history and culture.


Our Catalog

Education and research

From local history to coding, disaster preparedness to genealogy resources, the library is packed with tools and materials to help you develop new skills and find answers to your questions. Use Subject Guides put together by your librarians to dig into your topics of interest.


Community Resources

Through JosephineLINK, find up-to-date information for hundreds of community organizations — legal assistance, family services, volunteer opportunities, and more. This easy-to-use community resource directory is updated regularly with the most current contact information, hours, and locations.

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About the library